Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cancel unread magazines (Day 50)

I come from a family of readers.  I've been reading since I was 4 years old.  Books are my passion, and I am seldom found without one on the go.  The problem is that my To Be Read pile is getting bigger and bigger.  That doesn't include the magazine subscriptions that we read.

Quite honestly, I don't have much time for reading these days.  My kids and household keep me quite busy, and by the end of the day, I'm tired.  I read for about 15-20 minutes, and then lights out.  With the loan restrictions on the library books, I seldom get to the magazines until they are months past.

While research facts about paper and paper consumption, I found this interesting fact sheet. (http://www.id2.ca/downloads/eco-design-paper-facts.pdf)   A lot of paper is made and a lot of fossil fuel, water and trees are used making the issues that sit unread on my night stand.  I feel guilty about the waste, especially because two of the magazines I don't really enjoy anyway.

I've decided not to renew the magazines that I don't read cover to cover right away.  They are very popular magazines, and subscriptions are often found in my doctor's, dentist's and spa's waiting rooms.  They are also found in the public library, available to be borrowed any time.   I can easily catch up on the most current (and back!) issues while waiting my turn in the office or while waiting for Storytime to end. 

And hopefully, I'll save a tree or two in the process.

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