Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Join Paws for the Planet (Change 131)

I've signed up to join Paws for the Planet (http://pawsfortheplanet.ca).  This joint venture between Purina and Evergreen, plants one plant for every sign-up.  Here is the text of the email I received.  I hope you'll sign up too.

With your help, Purina will contribute up to $75,000 to protect green spaces.
Would you and your pet like to make a commitment to help protect green spaces?
Purina® has re-united with Evergreen on the "Paws For The Planet" program in a continued effort to enhance and restore green spaces across Canada. With your help, Purina® will fund a $50,000 sponsorship to Evergeen to help protect green spaces.
To help make Canada greener and be a more eco-friendly pet owner, make a pledge to Paws For The Planet by clicking here. For every sign up, Purina® will make a donation to Evergreen to plant a Tree, Shrub or Wildflower across Canada. (Every sign-up counts and will help us donate an additional $25,000 to Evergreen.) Now that's green!
Visit PawsForThePlanet.ca for eco-friendly pet tips and more information about this program.


  1. Hi Eco Mama:

    Just wanted to say hello and let you know I am still following your blog regularly! Thanks for the Paws For The Planet lead: I have often wondered what the carbon foot print of my goofy calico cat (Miss Sweet Pea) might be. Since I haven't tracked down all the sources of her (vetranarian-perscribed) old cat renal health diet food, joining the Paws thing might be a good stop gap. Keep the posts coming- I click on your link frequently in anticipation of your latest idea/adventure/change!- Deb Seymour (www.debgoesgreen.com)

  2. Thanks Deb, for the support. Now that the craziness of Sept is over, I'm hoping to start posting a little more regularly! :)
