Friday, March 4, 2011

Install dual flush toilet handle (Change 108)

My friend K is a great inspiration to me.  Like me, she has three kids, a dog, a husband, and a very busy life. Yet she always seems to find time for the fun things - camping, hiking, outdoor adventures, Scouting and meeting up with friends.  She also has a very "green" family - she has been a source of inspiration for many of the changes I've made to date.

For example, I visited her house this past summer and commented on her dual flush toilet handle.  This allows one to press a button for a 1/2 flush or a button for "full flush".  The system is set-up similar to putting a brick or pop bottle in your tank - the flush systems does not allow your tank to completely drain, thereby saving water.  It effectively reduces a 6L flush toilet to a 3L flush toilet.  We discussed the merits of this device and how much water she's saved.  I thought it was a neat idea, and put it on my list of things to change.

Well, K has done it again, and brought the change to me.  She and her family visited last month.  The Saturday was busy with family obligations (hers and ours), but we agreed to meet for supper.  Back at the house, she presented me with a gift bag. 

"What's this?" I asked.

"A hostess gift," she replied.

We are not in the habit of exchanging gifts, so I eyed the bag with suspicion.  I opened it and burst out laughing.  Inside was a dual flush toilet handle.   20 minutes later the device was installed (which I did by myself with her help, thank you very much).  I put it in our powder room, which gets the most use as it's on the main floor.   I'm hopeful that I'll see some significant water savings in the next few months.

Thanks, K, for helping me making my world a little "greener".


  1. Excellent - would love to see a photo of the dual flush toilet handle :-)

  2. ooh, I didn't know they made such things as handle adapters for ordinary toilets. thank you!!

  3. Dani and Dmarie - I'll try to figure out how to take a picture and post on the blog, so everyone can take a look at my "successes". In the meantime, you can find the handles at or Neither of these are the particular model I have, so Kath, where did you buy mine?

  4. Amazing, this is great as you want to learn more, I invite to This is my page. toto toilets
